5 places to get educational toys in Singapore
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Any activity, organized or unstructured, your child finds fun and enjoyable is considered play. But play is much more than just a fun activity for your child! While playing, children learn and develop important fine motor skills (alongside many others) which they will continue to use throughout their lifetime.
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As parents we are often worried about whether our children are meeting the essential developmental milestones expected for their age. As a reference, we would compare our children with other children of the same age.
Play is all about having fun! Any activity, organized or unstructured, your child finds fun and enjoyable is considered play. But play is much more than just a fun activity for your child! While playing, children learn and develop important skills they will continue to use throughout their lifetime.
Before deciding how to play with your preschoolers, it would be ideal to first understand the how meaningful play can help with the different types of developmental milestones.